What do I need to get started?
Sherpass services are available for Eurotunnel Le Shuttle Freight customers and accessible from the freight online portal. To benefit from integrated services developed by Sherpass, simply login to your Eurotunnel Le Shuttle Freight account, access Border Services and select the package.
If you do not have an online account, please contact the Freight Commercial Freight Team who will be able to help. As a new customer, you will receive the support of a dedicated and knowledgeable team.
Who can benefit from Sherpass services?
The border services are designed primarily for road hauliers carrying goods between the EU and the UK via the Channel Tunnel (if UNAC included, otherwise Eurotunnel Le Shuttle Freight). Sherpass is also able to provide other bespoke services to all the stakeholders, including tailored solutions for any logistics service providers or shippers.
What is the GMR?
Goods Movement Reference (GMR) is a declaration generated by the Goods Vehicle Movement System (GVMS) and is mandatory at the border to prove that the goods carried by the hauliers have pre-lodged declarations. Sherpass has built an API interface with HMRC and the GVMS platform to create this declaration automatically.
What is an EORI number?
Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number is an identification number in all customs procedures when exchanging information with Customs Administrations. The EORI number is composed of two parts: the country code of the issuing Member State followed by a code or number that is unique in the Member State.
Do I need 2 EORI numbers? One for the UK and one for the EU?
Yes, both EORI numbers are required. However, it may be necessary to check if these have already been obtained by your customers. Note that EORI numbers are required to create customs formalities on Sherpass platform but Eurotunnel Le Shuttle Freight does not need to know the EORI numbers.
Are the border services available in both directions?
Yes, the border services and formalities are generated for imports to the UK and imports to the EU. The information is collected and transmitted to both authorities. Although the process and requirement may slightly differ according to the direction, Sherpass platform will manage the procedure in a seamless manner.
Can I access my previous formalities and border services declarations?
You can easily retrieve, filter and visualise your crossing history and corresponding declarations via your online account.
What is the Eurotunnel Border Pass?
For speed and convenience, your border data can be sent to Eurotunnel Le Shuttle Freight in advance through your online booking account, before your driver arrives at the terminal.
Once the relevant information is entered, you will then get your unique Eurotunnel Border Pass reference. It can be done up to 30 min before the arrival of your vehicle.
• The vehicle is instantly recognised with the registration number so the driver will not need to present any documents at Pit stop.
• The Border Pass is a free option solution allowing users to create a single unique reference for the multiple documents collected in a dedicated digital wallet.
What is the difference between the Border Pass and the other Border Services?
The other border services encapsulate the creation of a Border Pass. The premium and managed services allow hauliers to respond to border requirements and customs formalities from a simple submission of documents, including an automated generation of the Border Pass.
How are the Border Services invoiced?
The services are invoiced directly by the distributor (currently Eurotunnel).
How are managed the mandates?
Representation mandates for brokerage services are managed on the platform (Power of Attorney between the shipper and the broker), ensuring a full compliance towards the authorities.
Where are the services handled?
The services are handled by dedicated teams in France and in the UK.
How can I get support when using the service?
Dedicated support is available in addition to the features offered by the platform. Each transaction will be tracked and followed by agents. Direct messaging will also enable agents to quickly fix the issues related to a transport order via a webchat service.
Where can I find all the relevant guidance from UK and French governments?
At the following address: www.eurotunnelfreight.com/uk/about/border-requirements
Which documents are required for the shipments of goods between the EU and the UK?
• Hauliers have to ensure that the goods they carry have completed the necessary formalities before crossing. The majority of these formalities will have been completed by the shippers or by Sherpass and its partners as part of the border and customs services available from Eurotunnel Le Shuttle Freight.
• Customs formalities documentation (EAD, TAD, Import Declaration), SPS-safety and security declarations (ENS/ICS and EXS) as well as GMR and “Logistic Envelope” as applicable.
For SPS goods, DSCE and sanitary certificates are mandatory for imports to the EU and IPAFFS prenotification for imports to the UK.
#SimplyBorder by Sherpass
#SimplyBorder offers a new range of services for customs declarations and border formalities. The services are accessible via a user-friendly platform fully integrated with Eurotunnel Le Shuttle Freight’s transport system. For hauliers, crossing the border becomes simple.